How Does Assessment Add Value?
Wednesday, 19 October, 2022
9:00am 10:45amOpening Remarks
⏱9:00 am to 9:15 am 15 minutes:Key Note Address followed by Energy and Sustainability Panel
⏱9:15 am to 10:45 am 90 minutes:
As the public policy landscape evolves, with a focus on meeting the energy requirements of an increasingly electricity dependent society, assessments play a role in both realizing projects in a timely manner and ensuring that projects that are not well designed are not developed.
1. Evaluating Sustainable Design Alternatives in the Nuclear Industry
With a significant portion of our energy supply relying on nuclear power generation, it is imperative that nuclear infrastructure is sustainably designed to withstand the impacts of climate change and protect the vital operations on which our communities and industries rely.2. The ITC Lake Erie Connector: How Good Environmental Assessment (EA) Process Resulted in a Little Known Project
There are several positive impacts from a corporate, political, and societal perspective including economic and grid resiliency benefits and potential to reduce Ontario’s GHG emissions by 2 to 3 million tonnes annually. The presentation will focus on the outcome of the assessment process, including the alternatives analysis.3. Sustainability-Based Guidance for Assessing Canadian Coal Phase-Out Policy
Consistent with the Impact Assessment Act’s requirements for considering the extent to which a proposed project would “contribute to sustainability,” the proposed criteria integrate attention to the full suite of factors and interactions affecting potential contributions to sustainability, including matters related to just transition and ecological integrity.