An Update from the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
Thursday, 20 October, 2022
2:00pm 3:00pm America/TorontoImpact Assessments: An Update from the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
⏱2:00 pm to 3:00 pm 60 minutes
Overview from the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada on various initiatives that add value to participants.
1. Impact Assessment Agency of Canada Practices in implementation of the UNDRIP
This presentation will explore approaches in implementing the United National Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in the field of impact assessment. The Agency will overview work striving towards and securing consent, participation of Indigenous peoples in assessment and decision-making, and various collaborative arrangement with Indigenous communities.2. Impact Assessment Agency of Canada’s Approach for Involving Indigenous Groups and Others during the Post-Decision Phase
The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada has developed an approach for engaging and funding involvement of Indigenous groups and stakeholders in all post-decision activities, such as follow-up monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of mitigation measures, including monitoring committees, as well as, compliance verification and enforcement activities.3. Advice and Guidance: The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada’s Work with Proponents
Through case studies, the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada will highlight advice and guidance that it provides proponents. Highlights will include work done during the pre-planning phase to inform the preparation of the Initial Project Description, work done in the planning phase to focus the Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines, and work done in the impact statement phase to guide the development of the Impact Statement.