Navigating the World of Affiliated Entities
Monday, 27 February, 2023
12:00pm 2:00pmAffiliated entities are part of the fabric of college and university operations. Whether we are talking about alumni foundations, athletic boosters, or real estate partnerships, colleges and universities often create affiliates to advance institutional mission while reducing risk exposure, managing financing or tax issues, and reducing operational barriers that might otherwise inhibit institutional goals. Of course, counsel must devote a great deal of thought to structuring these affiliates and managing the associated legal and practical challenges. Join us for a 2-hour webinar in which two expert NACUA member attorneys will discuss:
- Reasons for creating affiliated entities;
- Considerations in structuring affiliated entities, including special governance considerations;
- Examples of where and how affiliates are used;
- Legal and operational challenges and risks;
- Unique issues related to joint ventures, research affiliates, and traditional foundations;
- And more.