Colleges and Universities as Commercial Landlords: Considerations for the Generalist
Wednesday, 19 April, 2023
12:00pm 1:30pmMany, perhaps most, colleges and universities are also landlords—not only to students in residence halls but also to a variety of commercial interests ranging from small, local “mom and pop” shops to large, brand-name corporate franchises. At the same time, real estate law is a world unto itself with its own language and practices. While some large institutions may have real estate experts in their legal departments, many institutions have one or two generalists who also handle leasing from time to time.
Join us for a 90-minute webinar in which two expert NACUA member attorneys and a campus Director of Real Estate Planning will discuss the role of campuses as landlords in the commercial leasing context, including:
- Pre-planning considerations to think about before beginning negotiations with a potential tenant;
- Post-execution communications and lease management;
- What to include in a well-crafted letter of intent;
- Coordination with other departments on campus;
- Lease provisions of particular concern in the higher education context;
- Terms to pay particular attention to, and more.