You Signed What?! Delegated Contractual Authority – Best Practices and Policies
Tuesday, 16 May, 2023
12:00pm 1:30pmAt any given moment, colleges and universities manage hundreds, if not thousands, of contracts reaching all areas of campus operations. Depending on an institution’s size, it can be nearly impossible for campus counsel to review every contract. Therefore, officers and employees on campus are often granted delegated signature authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the institution.
Please join us for a 2-hour webinar where two expert NACUA member attorneys will discuss delegated contractual authority, including:
- Discussion on best practices for implementing a contractual authority policy or process, including tips and samples for creating a delegated contractual authority matrix;
- Distinctions between campus counsel’s role vs. the role of institutional business partners;
- Litigation issues, including those related to personal liability;
Caselaw for both public and private institutions; - Issues pertaining to certain types of contracts, such as clickthrough agreements.
Who should attend?
This webinar will be of interest to in-house and outside counsel to colleges and universities, as well as other higher education administrators who draft or approve contracts.