Experiences, Learning, and Exchanges: Anti-Racist Planning Practices in Brazil and Canada
Events Details
The International Decade for People of African Descent acknowledges the global history of racism against people of African descent, one that cuts across geographic boundaries and sets out a framework for action. Proclaimed in 2014 by the United Nations General Assembly, followed by Brazil ever since, and, after years of advocacy, Canada began to officially recognize it in 2018. There is an urgent need to address the impact of racism on Black communities apparent in housing displacement, inadequate service provision and environmental racism. For further background on this important topic please read the blog by Abigail Moriah & Gloria Cecilia dos Santos Figueiredo.
This webinar will provide an opportunity to hear from community leaders in Brazil and Canada from the following organizations: Associação de Amigos e Moradores do Centro Histórico de Salvador (AMACH), Articulação dos Movimentos e Comunidades do Centro Antigo de Salvador (Articulação) and Beechville Community Development Association (BCDA). AMACH was created in 2002 and is led and formed by black women who resisted the expulsions of the Salvador Historical Center Recuperation Program. Articulação was created in 2014 and has sought to affirm the right to the city of the communities involved, through mobilization and social communication, technical-political training, political advocacy with civil society and bodies such as the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Public Defender’s Office, the Judiciary, among others. BCDA, a network of community members in a 300-year old historical African Nova Scotia community, will talk about how they engaged with city planners to address development pressures in their community that led to significant loss of land. Following each presentation, a panel of policy-makers, scholars and community leaders will reflect on common experiences and unique challenges and opportunities faced by each organization. The session will close with an opportunity for questions from participants. Simultaneous Portuguese-English translation will be provided.
- Opening remarks: Abigail: 5 minutes
- Introductions of Organizations: Gloria 5 minutes
- Brazil and Canada case studies: 30 minutes: 2 x 15 minutes per case study
- Popular Audit in the Historical Center of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
- Beechville Community Development Association, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Questions from Participants 15 minutes
- Speakers answer/dialogue with questions from participants 15 minutes
- Conclusion: OPPI 5 minutes
⏱️ 1h & 30 minutes total