BREAKOUT - B. Mental and Emotional Preparedness While Working with Service Users in Crisis
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Event Details
Caseworkers and other frontline staff face many challenges working with service users in crisis. Social service users are often multi-barriered and live with a multitude of issues including addictions and mental illness that need to be recognized and understood. Not only that, but staff may also be coping with stresses within their workplaces that they need to set aside in order to do their work effectively. We often forget that there is a need caseworkers and frontline staff to be both mentally and emotionally prepared for the work that they do supporting service users.
In this session, we will hear from a mental health expert and seasoned caseworkers who will share their experiences of working with multi-barriered individuals. This panel will address the ways in which caseworkers and other frontline staff can work with these service users, while ensuring that they are effectively prepared for the mental and emotional strain of this work. Additionally, our experts will provide insights into stress, burnout, and vicarious trauma, as well as how self-care can help staff prepare themselves to cope.