Meaningfully Incorporating Varied Voices
Thursday, October 20, 2022
3:15 pm - 5:00 pm ET
Event Details
Meaningful assessments involve resolving conflicting views
⏱3:15 pm to 4:45 pm 90 minutes:
Closing Remarks
⏱4:45 pm to 05:00 pm 15 minutes:
This session explores how assessments have or could meaningfully incorporate different voices. 1. Indigenous Community Integration into the Marathon Palladium Project This presentation will explore the results of meaningful partnerships and opportunities for Indigenous community participation, ultimately leading to commitments for continued interactions throughout the life of the Marathon Palladium Project. Generation PGM Inc., the proponent, has developed meaningful partnerships with potentially impacted Indigenous groups to progress this Project through the Joint Review Panel process under CEAA, 2012 and Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act. 2. Mediation and Impact Assessment: Revisiting Prospects for Sustainability Goals The integration of mediation into IA has been cited as a potential element of next generation assessment, due to its focus on equitable decision-making. However with limited past experience, there is a lack of understanding. This presentation examines the potential of mediation in current IA context. The presentation will be anchored by some past case studies. 3. A Review of Misinformation Communicated by the General Public in Environmental Assessments This presentation explores outreach processes with the general public, including a sample of concerns identified by the general public, their relationships with the concerns identified, and their ability to make an informed decision. It also explores examples of misinformation that has been communicated between the general public as well as methods used to manage such misinformation.
This session explores how assessments have or could meaningfully incorporate different voices. 1. Indigenous Community Integration into the Marathon Palladium Project This presentation will explore the results of meaningful partnerships and opportunities for Indigenous community participation, ultimately leading to commitments for continued interactions throughout the life of the Marathon Palladium Project. Generation PGM Inc., the proponent, has developed meaningful partnerships with potentially impacted Indigenous groups to progress this Project through the Joint Review Panel process under CEAA, 2012 and Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act. 2. Mediation and Impact Assessment: Revisiting Prospects for Sustainability Goals The integration of mediation into IA has been cited as a potential element of next generation assessment, due to its focus on equitable decision-making. However with limited past experience, there is a lack of understanding. This presentation examines the potential of mediation in current IA context. The presentation will be anchored by some past case studies. 3. A Review of Misinformation Communicated by the General Public in Environmental Assessments This presentation explores outreach processes with the general public, including a sample of concerns identified by the general public, their relationships with the concerns identified, and their ability to make an informed decision. It also explores examples of misinformation that has been communicated between the general public as well as methods used to manage such misinformation.
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Thursday, October 20, 2022
3:15 pm - 5:00 pm