5. Expanding Access to Childcare Equitably

Wednesday, September 27, 2023
10:45 am - 12:15 pm ET
Event Details
As Ontario continues to expand its system of municipal childcare, a key question that emerges is around how to effectively ensure that this system can become more accessible and equitable. What practical steps can be taken in order to build a childcare system that works effectively for all community members? What role should OMSSA Members play in moving towards this objective? This panel will bring together experts with a diversity of backgrounds who have all believe in importance of municipal role in expanding access the childcare equitably.

As Ontario continues to expand its system of municipal childcare, a key question that emerges is around how to effectively ensure that this system can become more accessible and equitable. What practical steps can be taken in order to build a childcare system that works effectively for all community members? What role should OMSSA Members play in moving towards this objective? This panel will bring together experts with a diversity of backgrounds who have all believe in importance of municipal role in expanding access the childcare equitably.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023
10:45 am - 12:15 pm ET
Nakiema Palmer
Director, Early Years and Child Care Services, Region of Peel
Martha Friendly
Executive Director and Founder, Childcare Resource and Research Unit
Jane Beach
Child Care Research and Policy Consultant
Gregory Querel
Education Policy Analyst, Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres