5. Expanding Access to Childcare Equitably
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
10:45 am - 12:15 pm ET
Event Details
As Ontario continues to expand its system of municipal childcare, a key question that emerges is around how to effectively ensure that this system can become more accessible and equitable. What practical steps can be taken in order to build a childcare system that works effectively for all community members? What role should OMSSA Members play in moving towards this objective? This panel will bring together experts with a diversity of backgrounds who have all believe in importance of municipal role in expanding access the childcare equitably.
As Ontario continues to expand its system of municipal childcare, a key question that emerges is around how to effectively ensure that this system can become more accessible and equitable. What practical steps can be taken in order to build a childcare system that works effectively for all community members? What role should OMSSA Members play in moving towards this objective? This panel will bring together experts with a diversity of backgrounds who have all believe in importance of municipal role in expanding access the childcare equitably.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
10:45 am - 12:15 pm