SESSION 9: Need For Secure Infrastructure – Innovation & Climate Action

2023 OAIA Conference Next Generation Impact and Environmental Assessment in Ontario
Thursday, October 26, 2023
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm ET
Event Details
9 a. Inclusive Approaches ⏱ 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm Ashbridges Bay Landform: Working with Stakeholders for Innovative Solution The Ashbridges Bay Landform Project is an integrated solution to successfully realize several critical planning initiatives. A Conservation Ontario Class Environmental Assessment (EA) undertaken by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (2015) considered the planned facilities for three other City of Toronto led EAs that were previously approved in the study area and at various stages of design. This project has demonstrated that through stakeholder-inclusive planning, innovative and comprehensive solutions can be achieved to meet the challenges of urban infrastructure planning while providing for enhanced habitat and public realm opportunities. Moderator:
  • Hayley Austin, Environmental Assessment Planner · Stantec
  • Lisa Turnbull, Associate Director, Restoration & Infrastructure, Toronto & Region Conservation Authority
  • Jet Taylor, Senior Manager, Erosion Risk Management

9 b. Qualitative Approaches ⏱ 3:00 pm – 3:20 pm Employing Qualitative Methods for Assessing Impacts of Major Projects in Canada The purpose of my research was to explore how qualitative methods contribute to next generation IA. My objectives include identifying qualitative methods and how they are being used currently, and documenting barriers and good practices of use from Teck’s Frontier Mine and BC Hydro’s Site C Dam. Through a constructivist design employing document review and interviews I expected to identify common methods and how they were used. I found interviews and focus groups to be common and I identified many opportunities and challenges to overcome for qualitative methods to contribute to better assessment through identifying concerns of communities involved. Moderator:
  • Hayley Austin, Environmental Assessment Planner, Stantec
  • Brendan Middel, Masters Student, University of Manitoba

9 c. Quantitative Approaches ⏱ 3:20 pm – 3:50 pm The built environment accounts for a significant amount of greenhouse gas emission released into the atmosphere. Managing the carbon impact of a project’s construction, operation, and maintenance phases is critical to achieve net-zero emissions and mitigate further climate change. AECOM has contributed to reducing emissions in Ontario municipalities by recommending efficient approaches to decarbonization, including adopting zero emission vehicle fleets and reducing emissions in across assets. AECOM has the tools, methods, and resources to be able to quantify a project’s life-cycle carbon emissions, serving Canada’s ongoing need to decarbonize our infrastructure and construction sectors. Moderator:
  • Hayley Austin, Environmental Assessment Planner, Stantec
  • Fabianna Palacios, Air Quality Specialist, AECOM Canada Inc Master's Student, University of Manitoba

9 d. Climate Emergencies ⏱ 3:50 pm – 4:15 pm Coastal Zone Mitigation and Adaption Infrastructure: Can Federal IAs Help? Infrastructure projects on freshwater and marine coasts are critical to climate change adaption strategies, and impact assessment is vital planning tool to assure sustainable development goals are being met. Provision for IAs for such projects are normally covered under the category ‘Projects on Federal Lands’. However, such IAs differ significantly from IAs for ‘designated projects. This paper briefly reviews those differences and reports on research from Atlantic Canada to suggests why this places a problematic limitation on the role of IA for supporting adaption strategies in coastal environments. Moderator:
  • Hayley Austin, Environmental Assessment Planner, Stantec
  • Ian Gordon Stewart, Doctor, University of King’s College

Q & A With Elaine, Faiza, Lisa, Vlad, Brendan, Fabianna & Ian ⏱ 4:15 pm - 4:30 pm Closing Remarks ⏱ 4:45 pm – 5:00 pm
Thursday, October 26, 2023
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm ET
Hayley Austin
Environmental Assessment Planner · Stantec
Lisa Turnbull
Associate Director, Restoration & Infrastructure, Toronto & Region Conservation Authority
Jet Taylor
Senior Manager, Erosion Risk Management
Brendan Middel
Master’s Student, University of Manitoba
Fabianna Palacios
Air Quality Specialist AECOM Canada Inc
Ian Gordon Stewart
Doctor, University of King’s College